Data Extraction

oil and gas land title search

CASE STUDY: Oil & Gas Producer Cuts Costs and Gains Huge Competitive Advantage

By Axis Technical / January 6, 2016

Before the implementation of Axis’s flagship document imaging solution, this Oil & Gas producer’s only option was slow, error-prone, hand-keying of the complex land and title documents.

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unstructured documents

How Can Technology Be Used To Extract Data From Unstructured Content?

By Axis Technical / April 2, 2015

During a roundtable discussion at an AIIM Conference, we shared our stories and experiences to help identify best practices for processing unstructured content.

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Handwritten Document

Handwritten Documents: Definitions, The Challenges, And The Methods To Manage Unstructured Content – Chapter 4

By Axis Technical / March 26, 2015

Our fourth chapter in the “Best Practices for Managing Unstructured Data” blog series will focus […]

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Unstructured Document

Unstructured Documents – Definitions, The Challenges And The Methods To Manage Unstructured Content – Chapter 3

By Axis Technical / March 26, 2015

Our third chapter in the “Best Practices for Managing Unstructured Data” series will focus on […]

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Semi Structured Document

Semi-Structured Documents: Definitions, The Challenges, And The Methods To Manage Unstructured Content – Chapter 2

By Axis Technical / March 26, 2015

Our second chapter in the series “Best Practices for Managing Unstructured Data” will focus on […]

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Document Imaging Report

Axis Technical Group featured in an interview with the Document Imaging Report

By Axis Technical / February 23, 2015

Axis Technical Group was recently featured in an interview with Ralph Gammon of the Document Imaging Report (DIR).

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