Custom Application Development

Custom Application and Software Integration

Over time the number and complexity of business systems continue to grow. Customer Relationship Management (CRM) and Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) are often just the beginning. Add finance, HR, and process improvement applications, and it soon becomes clear that the maintenance and integration of these systems are a burden to an IT department's budget and staffing resources.

Outsourcing custom application development, software quality testing, and IT systems integration can help ensure process continuity and consistent access to all of your business data - regardless of where it is located. Bridge the gap between isolated data and disparate business processes with custom application development that can improve profitability. Respond faster to change to harness new opportunities, address competitive threats, or overcome any other change required of your business.

Artificial Intelligence, machine learning, and the Internet of Things (IoT) are just a few of the technologies creating disruption and opportunity. Businesses that have clean, uninterrupted access to all business data can respond with greater performance and profitability. The cloud and edge devices have created new ways for employees to work anywhere - provided your systems can accommodate, have been integrated with appropriate quality assurance, and work seamlessly as a holistic system and application infrastructure.


Quality Assurance Testing

Quality Assurance testing ensures the integrity of mission-critical software applications. Ensure these applications satisfy end-user needs while shortening the time to market. Take advantage of our professional Quality Assurance resources either locally or in our offshore testing center. Axis provides the flexibility and scalability you want to ensure fluctuations in project scope and timeframes are met.

Learn more about Axis Technical Group's QA program by reading our QA Program Guide. This document explains how our QA review is conducted and what can be expected from this QA review service.


Mobile Application Development

According to Statistica, there are more than 6 billion smartphone users in the world. Each of these users needs applications to run on their mobile devices. This need has generated over 30 million jobs (source). With this many people and devices, it is no wonder why today over half of all internet traffic is from a mobile device.

For many businesses, it is no longer enough to just build a website to attract prospective customer attention. Effective brand awareness that drives business growth requires a greater digital presence. Mobile applications must be developed that are capable of working on a small, medium, or large screen device to provide an Omni-channel experience that extends across devices for each of your customers, prospects, partners, and employees.

Let Axis Technical Group provide the necessary mobile application development and software quality assurance services to complete your IT application infrastructure. Put your brand and business services in front of more prospective customers with a complementary brand experience delivered to their smartphones. Take advantage of mobile applications that can deliver value, improve customer retention, and provide superior customer engagement.

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Let Axis Technical Group guide your custom application development strategy to align a new path to growth.