Unstructured Documents

Unstructured Document

Unstructured Documents – Definitions, The Challenges And The Methods To Manage Unstructured Content – Chapter 3

By Axis Technical / March 26, 2015

Our third chapter in the “Best Practices for Managing Unstructured Data” series will focus on […]

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Semi Structured Document

Semi-Structured Documents: Definitions, The Challenges, And The Methods To Manage Unstructured Content – Chapter 2

By Axis Technical / March 26, 2015

Our second chapter in the series “Best Practices for Managing Unstructured Data” will focus on […]

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Structured Document-

Structured Documents: Definitions, the Challenges, and the Methods to Manage Unstructured Content – Chapter 1 

By Axis Technical / March 25, 2015

Paper Comes in All Kinds of Shapes, Sizes, and Formats. Different challenges come with each […]

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Document Imaging Report

Axis Technical Group featured in an interview with the Document Imaging Report

By Axis Technical / February 23, 2015

Axis Technical Group was recently featured in an interview with Ralph Gammon of the Document Imaging Report (DIR).

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AIIM 2015

Are Companies Successfully Extracting Data from Unstructured Content

By Axis Technical / January 14, 2015

Unstructured data denotes to information that either does not have a well-defined or organized data […]

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