
healthcare organizations financial resilience

Navigating the Storm: Why Healthcare Providers Need Financial Resilience

By Axis Technical / November 14, 2023

Here are seven actionable strategies healthcare and dental providers can implement to improve financial resilience.

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how to overcome staffing challenges in real estate industry

How to Avoid Staffing Challenges in a Dynamic Federal Reserve Environment

By Kyle Duffy / May 11, 2022

Dynamic interest rate environments create difficult staffing conditions. Intelligent Process Automation can help avoid staffing challenges by enabling companies to quickly adapt while maintaining the highest level of customer satisfaction.

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Business Case for Smart Data Extraction

CASE STUDY: A Business Case for Smart Data Extraction

By Axis Technical / December 8, 2021

Read this business case to read how this Title industry analytics company achieved a “stair step” performance improvement upon implementing Smart Data Extraction.

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